Ritesh Kushwaha

Zenith's Take on Life's Purpose

I was recently talking to Zenith, a friend of mine about What is The Purpose of Life, And here's his take

What if i told you life have no meaning at all ? It's just a happy accident. To search a meaning behind it is be like asking why atoms exist. Some might say atoms exist to build matter, but that answer is like saying humans live to form a society. Even Bhagwad Gita tells you what is right to do and what's not to, it tells you to follow your dharma now that might be a purpose but even after reading Bhagwad Gita you form your own version of what the meaning of life is because it is such a complex granth that it can hack your psychology. Now that's what we tell Mid-stage people, those who understand spirituality a little.

Those who are at start and those who are on high stages are told the meaning of life is to learn of existence and feel emotions, feel what's death as if it's something new to you. To help others follow your dharma and to follow the purpose of your life and also seek it if you don't know it yet. BhagwadGita tells all this in a great way, and it's the best one you will ever get. For other texts say when god created humanity he gave us an order to be happy and multiply. But there is no purpose, it's a goal, there is no meaning, no seeking. They don't allow to form your own beliefs.

And where do you get such inspiration from besides BhagwadGita is within yourself. Because if you know, Krishna lives in everyone, only those who can awaken their inner krishna to some extent know the true meaning of life and what real happiness is.