While Discussing Religion, I and Zenith came across a rather Unique topic, The existence of God in the Abrahamic faith, and here's his argument. His core arguement is why the Abrahamic god doesn't/can't exist in our reality
simplified, my main argument of why the Abrahamic god doesn't/can't exist in our reality would be the following:
Omnipotence: the ultimate ability that allows the subject its attributed with to choose, create and use infinite possibilities and options.
Benevolence: describes the will and intentions of the subject its attributed with, along with connecting the subject to another subject/subjects
(in this case us, our perspective, experiences and reality and if u were to not take them into account, then benevolence becomes meaningless since at that point you could have Satan running the place as god and you could still claim him to be benevolent while perceiving how everyone around you, including yourself experience indescribable suffering.)
Suffering, especially suffering of innocent children…
our reality displays suffering, therefore a subject with both of those attributes doesn't exist in our reality...
if u analyse the thought process u need in order to view suffering as not negative, you reach the conclusion that suffering can only not be viewed as negative when it results in something positive, when its the means to acquiring that positive something..
the positive outcomes of suffering are the only ones that give it a meaning that make us not look at it as negative.
but tell me, if the positive outcomes could've been reached in infinite other ways that don't include suffering, where is the meaning and the point of that suffering? suffering ends up meaningless and unnecessary.
when you take into account omnipotence, neither A, or B are necessary for equalling C, and if their only meaning relies on being the necessary components to C, then with omnipotence, that meaning disappears..
any good intention, any good reason and justification, any good goal behind suffering could've been reached in infinite other ways that don't include suffering by a subject possessing both of those attributes, making the existence of suffering meaningless and unnecessary.
because benevolence relies on our perspectives, experiences and reality and because suffering becomes meaningless and unnecessary when taking into account omnipotence, we reach the conclusion that a subject/god with both of these attributes wouldn't allow suffering, especially suffering of innocent children, yet our reality displays such suffering and in doing so, proving that a subject/god with both of those attributes doesn't exist in it.
(got to mention this but my intention isn't to change your belief or anything and u don't need to address my argument if u don't want to, religion can be quite beneficial and I'm not forcing anyone to do anything, I'm just sharing my conclusions)